Hello all you wonderful PSWOTF women! Our group, which started in February of 2023, has grown by leaps and bounds. We've added 185+ women to the group since we started. We've done fly tying, casting and gear clinics, and of course, fly fishing outings. We've met new fishing buddies, learned new fishing spots, and most of all, supported each other. When Whitny and I started this group, we we determined we would be a connective tissue between the many women who do, used to or want to fly fish. And I think it's working.
But you tell us. What would you like us to do more of? Less of? Where would you like to fish? Meet? Practice casting? We want to be sure we're a group that is serving all of us. Whitny and I are willing to move events around...should we go north of Seattle? Down towards Olympia? East of Lake Washington? Help us be what you want the group to be. You can drop us an email with your thoughts to pugetsoundwomeononthefly@gmail.com.